Hosted by Dream Community, The Jane Goodall Institute of Taiwan and Neihu Community College, 2008 Hope Parade is to celebrate the art and culture in Taiwan. As the second year of the parade, the topic of this year is the Hope of Taiwan, demonstrating every wonderful and diverse part of this country. Participate teams include aboriginal schools, local communities all over Taiwan, various groups and universities. I think this event also shows how international Taiwan has become, for all the great artwork and performance the participants presented and the various nationality they possess. The most impressive is that some senior participants were more devoted to this event, they even dressed very exaggerated and acted very, very funny.




↓Exquisite paper doll. 製作精美的大紙偶。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Aboriginal girl in traditional dress. 原住民女孩加上傳統服飾,實在令人忍不住狂按快門。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Unique mask. 很有特色的面具。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Candid charming faces. 純真的笑臉很迷人。
2008 Hope Parade

↓The parade begins. 遊行開始了。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Professional Samba dancer with huge artwork. 專業森巴舞者帶領著巨大花車。
2008 Hope Parade

↓The teacher involves more than his students. 老師比學生還投入。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Dreamy and very elegant dress. 的確很夢幻的造型。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Very impressive dress for this senior lady. 令人印象深刻的阿媽。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Taiwan Laughter Club. 台灣愛笑俱樂部,推廣笑容的能量。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Taiwan aboriginal tribes have their own signature costume. 每種原住民服飾都很獨特。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Another group of cute senior ladies. 也是一群很有個性的婆婆媽媽們。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Serious performers. 認真演出的小朋友們。
2008 Hope Parade

↓The most "carnival" group. 最有嘉年華風味的一組。
2008 Hope Parade

↓Amazing! Dragon dancing on unicycles. 令人驚奇的獨輪車舞龍。
2008 Hope Parade

↓The left-behind monster. 留在廣場上的怪物。
2008 Hope Parade

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